
We're proud to partner with many institutions and companies to offer the best possible experience to all of our students.

Whether you're looking for an educational agent, extracurricular experiences, or pathways to higher education in Australia, these providers will help you reach your goals.

Use the form at the bottom of this page to contact us about forming a partnership.

Higher education pathways

Many of our students go on to study at Australian universities and colleges after their English course.

These higher education providers will automatically recognise prior study and English language level achieved for eligible La Lingua students.

Email us for more information about our study pathways.

La Lingua's Partner Educational Institutes

Education Agents

Students come from all across the world to study at La Lingua Language School.

We work closely with many education agents to help students with everything from visa processing to support when you arrive in Australia.

Click your region to get in touch with one of our recommended agents.

Become a partner!

If you're interested in partnering with us to provide educational pathways, extracurricular activities, or want to act as an education agent for prospective students, please contact us using one of these forms.

News & Events

There's always something happening at La Lingua!
We regularly hold parties, special events, language exchange, excursions, and much more.
Find out what's new.

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